Please help us complete the ALEXIS AKRITHAKIS Art-Database

If you own one of Alexis Akrithakis' artworks, please let us know below, so we can complete our database of all existing works. We very much appreciate your help. 

The following information will be considered in the preparation of the catalogue raisonné. This form is for research and archival purposes only, and completion of this form does not guarantee documentation of the work.

For questions or help with filling the webform don't hesitate to contact us at:

The personal data collected through this form is subject to the published privacy policy available at

By submitting this form, you agree to transfer ownership of the image and its copyright, documents and other information contained in this form to The Alexis Akrithakis Estate.

You explicitly acknowledge and hold harmless those responsible for creating the Catalogue Raisonné for any decision whether or not to include this Work you declared, that you have read and understood  the privacy policy and the terms of this form and that the information provided herein is truthful and complete to the very best of your knowledge.